Meeting Accessibility

All RVMPO meetings are held in ADA accessible locations. With 48 hours advance notice, accommodations can also be made to make meetings accessible to those who are hearing impaired or have limited English proficiency.

For hearing-impaired individuals or non-English-speaking attendees wishing to arrange for a sign language or foreign language interpreter, please call or fax the Rogue Valley Council of Governments at 541-664-6674, Fax: 541-664-7927

Para individuos de oye-dañó o asistentes no-parlantes de inglés que desea arreglar para un lenguaje por señas o intérprete extranjero de idioma, por favor llamada o fax el Rogue Valley Council of Governments en 541-664-6674, Fax: 541-664-7927.

Upcoming Meetings

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