★  Upcoming  ★

The RVMPO Policy Committee Meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. Click on the button on the right to view the agenda.

We are seeking public comment on an amendment to the 2024-207 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Click the top button on the right to see the amendment and click the button below that to see the press release.

We are updating our Public Participation Plan!

The policies and practices described in the Public Participation Plan recognize the need for robust public involvement at all stages of regional transportation planning. The plan is intended to encourage, facilitate, and follow through on public comments, concerns, and suggestions by establishing procedures for providing full public access to information and decisions, timely public notices, and early and continuing public involvement in plan development.

We want your input! Click the buttons above to learn more, view the draft, and find out how you can participate in this update!

★  Get Involved  ★

Are you interested in helping your community? Do you have opinions on transportation? Do you want to be an active participant in planning for the future?

Community members are encouraged to give feedback at our committee meetings. You can find more information Here. You can also apply to become a member of the Public Advisory Council! The PAC helps plan for the future of our transportation system and it relies on community-minded residents to steer things in the right direction.

★  What is an MPO 


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