Who We Are
The Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (RVMPO) is a transportation policy-making organization made up of representatives from local governments and transportation authorities established in 1982. The Federal Transportation Act requires each urbanized area of 50,000 or more to set up a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to ensure a continuing, comprehensive, and cooperative (3-C) transportation planning process. Oregon’s administrative rules define an MPO as “the organization designated by the Governor to coordinate transportation planning in an urbanized area of the state.”
The role of the RVMPO includes establishing a local forum for transportation decision making; evaluating transportation alternatives; developing and updating a long-range regional transportation plan; developing a Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); and getting the public involved.
CLICK HERE for the Resolution that designated the RVCOG (Rogue Valley Council of Governments) as the MPO for the Greater Medford Urbanized Area.