Air Quality Conformity Determination (AQCD)

Two pollutants are a concern in the Rogue Valley, and must be addressed in transportation planning: carbon monoxide (CO) in Medford, and particulate matter less than 10 microns in diameter (PM10) in the RVMPO.

Federal rules require completion of an air quality conformity determination as part of the RTP and TIP approval process. The determination must show that the region’s transportation plans will not degrade air quality. In metropolitan areas, the policy board of the MPO must formally make a conformity determination on its transportation plan and Transportation Improvement Program before submitting them to the U.S. Department of Transportation (US DOT) for an independent review and conformity determination.

These tasks and documents must be kept up-to-date or the Rogue Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization would lose its eligibility for federal transportation funds.


View the current AQCD for the 2024-2027 Transportation Improvement Program HERE.
View the current AQCD for the 2021-2045 Regional Transportation Plan HERE.

View the current AQCD for the 2017-2042 Regional Transportation Plan & 2018-2021 Transportation Improvement Program HERE.

View the current 2021-2024 Air Quality Conformity Determination HERE.

View the previous 2018-2021 Air Quality Conformity Determination HERE.

State Implementation Plan (SIP)

The State Implementation Plan is an air quality plan that shows how an area will meet National Air Quality Standards.  SIPs are required for nonattainment or maintenance areas, prepared by the state, and approved by EPA.  SIPs provide for the implementation and enforcement of emission control measures from all source categories.

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